Monday, January 14, 2008

Snow in Jackson

Not really...I just painted a wintery scene for our bulletin board at work and thought I would post it. This is one of the fun perks of my job! I just wish that I could jump into the picture like that scene from Mary Poppins.


Michele said...

It's snowing here today!

There's a shock...

glenna marshall said...

I think it's supposed to snow here on Thursday night. Perfect. Right before we're already scheduled to be out of school on Friday. It should only snow in the middle of the school week when no holidays are planned.

Anonymous said...

I would just love to have a big 'snow day' where I did not have to go anywhere, and my room mates and I could just sit at home watching movies!

Sarah E. said...

That's so cute Kellye!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sarah! I wish this is what I saw when I looked out the window this morning!