Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And, still studying...

I have not forgotten to follow on the discussion about contextualization. The past week has been, as you know, stressful. I have found some good resources and look forward to sharing with you!


MelanieStarr said...

Girl, you need to update your blog! And I just realized we have matching templates.

j razz said...

How's that studying coming?

j razz

j razz said...

So, how's the studying coming?

j razz

j razz said...

Wow! You must be extremely inundated with so much material that it prevents you from answering questions on your blog! :P

By the way, can you bring my wife's dresses to church this Sunday A.M.? It would be greatly appreciated. If that is not a possibility, can you drop them by the house at some point before evening services commence? Thanks.

j razz

glenna marshall said...

So, how's the studying going?


j razz said...

Don't forget the dresses.

j razz